Twelve wounded in a knife attack on a bus in Germany – La República CE


Twelve people were injured, two of them seriously, during an attack by an armed man with a knife in an urban bus in the German city of Lübeck (north), according to information from the regional public television NDR. [19659002L'agresseurprésuméquiaétéarrêtépeudetempsaprèsparunepatrouilledepoliceestunhommed'environ30ansetd'origineiranienneselonlachaînedetélévisionprivéentv[19659002]. According to the information collected by this witness, the attack occurred when the bus, which was heading towards the city of Travemünde, was full.

The driver of the vehicle quickly opened the doors for the pbadengers to be safe, while the police who were in the area, they proceeded to the arrest of the aggressor.

The city police reported that she is developing a fort in the area where the attack took place, and that she did not cause killed, contrary to what was originally reported by some local media.

did not provide any information on the severity or condition of the wounded. EFE

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