UK Celebrates Emily Brontë's Bicentennial – The EC Republic


Emily Brontë, archive

The United Kingdom celebrates with much deed the bicentennial of Emily Brontë the romantic writer who challenged Victorian society with its moral ambiguity, author of " Wuthering Heights ". Born July 30, 1818, she leaves behind a limited written production – the aforementioned novel, some letters, a diary and poetry – and dies at 30 years of tuberculosis . Prose is in the vanguard of the time because it represented problems that "women writers could not explore," such as "domestic violence" or "alcoholism," according to Erin Nyborg, professor at Efe Oxford Literature.

"He wrote about masculinity in a new way for the time (…). Domestic violence in homes of the middle and upper clbades was not addressed before the In the 1860s, Brontë's work in this aspect is revolutionary, "he continued.

And that is "Wuthering Heights" (1847) tells the story of the violence and unrequited love between Catherine Earnshaw and his adopted brother, Heathcliff – true center of the novel – who undertakes a vendetta against all those who mistreated him.

The detailed observation of personalities (powerfulcruelsandegoists) as well astheclbadification of the spaces (the Gothic domain and theparamos) are of great importance in a working model of the author's poetic sensitivity

"It is a novel that defies the Victorian reader (…), who divides, who lacks A moral center and a gothic villain who never repents nor is punished.A criticism of the patriarchal society and the Victorian law of marriage, "said Nyborg

. At the same time, the expert pointed out that the author would declare herself "feminist" if she lived today and that, although the book would be different, the content would be "equally radical". [19659003] Emily was the most reserved of Brontë sisters Charlotte (author of "Jane Eyre") and Anne (creator of "The tenant of Wildfell Hall"), who grew up together in a parish house in Haworth, Yorkshire (No. from England.)

The sisters wrote together around the table and exchanged opinions by reading each text aloud.

Together they published a collection of poems. a male pseudonym that made them the brothers Bell -Currer (Charlotte), Ellis (Emily) and Acton (Anne) – names that they maintained when publishing their novels.

Emily's reputation is that of a lonely woman who only has business She had never wanted to get married or leave her home, though that # She spent nine months studying with Charlotte in Brussels.

The structure of his work, the detail of characterization of the characters and their protofeminist tendencies make him a writer on which there is still much to say

Therefore, the bicentennial of Emily will be celebrated with multiple tributes across the United Kingdom whose center will be the old house The Brontë family, which is run by the Brontë Society Foundation, is open as a museum in West Yorkshire County [19659003] Here is exposed the exhibition "Making Thunder Roar" ("Thunder Roar") dedicated to his figure and that he combines personal items and sound texts with pieces ordered from different contemporary artists for think about the author of the páramos.

They will also read texts about what Emily means to creators of various fields who declare themselves to be fond of their work.

One of the pieces of the sample is a new manuscript of "Wuthering Heights" made by the 10,000 hands of the public who came the last year to visit, since the # 39; original is not preserved.

On the other hand, the model and actress Lily Cole will present today a short film ("Balls") that she was inspired by the novel, where she tries to deny that A story of love and defines Heathcliff as an abuser.

Writer Kate Mosse was also curator of the "I am Heathcliff" collection, where she commissioned 16 writers to create short stories about the undying character. 19659003] The singer Kate Bush (who in the 1980s was already inspired by the novel for a song), actress Maxine Peake or writer Dorothy Koomson will also participate in other initiatives across the country. country.

In any case, the strength of the story, the ambiguity and the structure of the work of Emily Brontë do not stop at their bicentennial and will continue to amaze for generations .

Sabela Rey Cao, EFE

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