Ultra-Right conducts polls for presidential elections in Brazil – La República EC


Photo: Infobae

Rio de Janeiro (EFE) .- The far-right Brazilian leader, Jair Bolsonaro who runs with low margin the polls for the presidential elections of 39. October, was officially proclaimed today as a candidate for the Social Liberal Party (PSL) .

The decision was ratified at the convention held this Sunday at Rio de Janeiro conservative training, which has not yet He defined who would be the former captain's running mate of the army, amid difficulties in finding alliances with other parties.

Bolsonaro, 63 years old and from Campinas, in the state of Sao Paulo, has been shown independent candidate, free of commitments and links, eager to change the "destiny" of Brazil and to recover the "values ​​of the Brazilian family".

"We know what is at stake at the moment that is approaching, it is the desti not this great nation called Brazil, I know the discomfort that I caused myself (…) I am the villain "Duckling" of this story, "he said after the proclamation

The comments of Bolsonaro, defender of the military dictatorship (1964-1985) and with a long history of racist remarks, misogynist and homophobic, come to mind the difficulties he has encountered in finding alliances with other parties and, consequently, in appointing a candidate for the vice presidency

D & # First tried unsuccessfully to conclude an alliance with the Party of the Republic (PR) which included the bid for the vice president of the senator Great Malta .

. negative, invited the retired general Augusto Heleno who led the stabilization mission of United Nations in Haiti last decade, but the answer was the same what and Progressive Republican Party (PRP) to which he belongs, also closed the doors.

He finally offered to the lawyer Janaína Paschoal one of the jurists who They filed the impeachment petition which led to the revocation of Dilma Rousseff in mid-2016, who attended the convention and left the air to accept the invitation.

Paschoal surprised by a speech in which criticized the "single thought" and the PSL risk becoming a "PT (Workers' Party), but on the contrary" and asked for more time to define his future. "19659003" We do not have the truth, "he said Deaf militancy during his speech

The presidential race began to take shape in Brazil on Friday with the opening of the deadline for the parties to define their alliances and candidates against the most uncertain electoral rendezvous of the network The democratization of the country, in 1985.

According to the latest polls, Bolsonaro is favored by a narrow margin and leads the voting intentions with 17%, in front of the ecologist Marina Silva (13%), Labor Ciro Gomes (8%), which was confirmed by his party Friday, and the social -democrat Geraldo Alckmin (6%)

This in a scenario without Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva imprisoned for corruption since April and practically disqualified after being sentenced in second instance, since the former president, lo Since it is included in the polls, appears in first place with a noticeable advantage over the rest of the candidates and aspirants. EFE (I)

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