United States strike with sanctions against three senior Nicaraguan officials close to Ortega


The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, announces the cancellation of the reforms of the INSS. THE PRESS / SCREEN CAPTURE

The United States today sanctioned the chief of police of Nicaragua Francisco Diaz, consuegra of the Nicaraguan president, Daniel Ortega as well as the vice president of the Albanian oil company, Francisco López, and Fidel Moreno Briones, secretary general of the Mayor's Office of Managua

The purpose of the sanctions is " to send a message "to the rest of the Nicaraguan officials so that they know that" [traduction] "The loss of access to the US financial system has the effect of crippling the US financial system," explain senior US officials who requested anonymity

and will be banned from making financial transactions in the United States.

In a press conference, senior US officials They specified that the sanctions are a "immediate response " to the crisis in Nicaragua, the bloodiest since the 1980s, with Ortega also as president, and left more than 300 dead and more than 2,500 wounded

" The violence perpetrated by the Ortega government against its people and the efforts of relatives of the Ortega regime to enrich illegally are deeply disturbing and totally unacceptable " Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Sigal Mandelker , said in a statement

that Mandelker reproached Ortega and his "closed circle" for having violated the "fundamental freedoms of innocent civilians".

.US. They described Francisco Díaz as the "de facto leader" of the Nicaraguan National Police that organizations like the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) accused to have committed human rights violations in collaboration with paramilitary groups.

USA. considers that, under Díaz's orders, the Nicaraguan Police came to commit extrajudicial executions.

To illustrate the serious violations of human rights, US officials recounted how in June Nicaraguan policemen masked gunmen "set fire to a house in Managua, which caused the death of six of its inhabitants, including two children.

When the neighbors were going to help, the police would have shot at them.

On another of the sanctions, Moreno Briones US authorities stated that their current role is the "liaison" between municipal governments and the Sandinista Front for National Liberation (FSLN), although he also acted as "leader" of Sandinista Youth

badures you that in early 2017, Moreno recruited motorists to help suppress the protesters, an image that was seen in the current demonstrations.

In addition, Moreno ] to acc allegedly stealing "large sums of money" from municipal projects in Managua and using local funds to finance FSLN activities.

On the other hand, the United States accuses Lopez of "pocketing large sums of money" by using his position as vice president of Albanisa, a company that imports and sells petroleum products from Venezuela, and as president of the Petroleum Distributor (Petronic)

. by Petronic, which represents 49% of the capital, and by state oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), which contributes to the remaining 51%.

López, who is also treasurer of the FSLN, would have facilitated that Nicaraguan senior officials use the funds of the FSLN and Albanisa himself to buy radio and television stations, hotels, farmhouses and restaurants. Breeding, power plants and pharmaceutical laboratories.

Prior to the sanctions of today, the United States had already revoked visas for officials and other individuals for human rights violations.

The United States was very critical of the Ortega government and came to ask it to go forward with the election for 2021. 19659020] (I) [19659022] [ad_2]
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