Unplayable – The CE Republic


Raúl Andrade Gándara
Rochester, United States

The news is happening at a steady pace. One denunciation after the other, one mafia against the other, all with straw tails and a country waiting watching. And it is that it is not understood. After two years of riding, he talks about an international commission to fight corruption. It must therefore be understood that Ecuador's legal and supervisory mechanisms are inadequate. That Don Correone's mafia continues to control important areas of power and that impunity is a worrying reality. Here.

Not only is she alive, but she questions the current President harshly, blaming him and his family for abuse of power, indecency and shady betrayals with commission included. The lcdo, to defend himself, asks the new prosecutor to investigate stories known to the public by denouncing journalists involved in the INA's papers in question.

And here other questions arise. If Ecuadorian justice has been unable to stop and fight the obvious corruption in the highest circles, to the point of asking the help of the international community to unveil it, what is it? makes us think that the world's accounts are the subject of in-depth investigations? If, until today, none of the companies involved in all the questionable and denounced contracts has been affected, both in the oil sector and in the public works sector, this is what makes us believe that is serious and not a serious problem. cruel comedy to waste time and divert attention?

What credibility do we deserve from a government that uses the same abusive tactics as before, violating the secrecy and privacy guaranteed by a paper constitution?

Is it possible for a close adviser and financier of the campaign to try to disqualify the whistleblower of his brother, and yet it bothers him to talk about the millions accumulated by the brother of the current president and to question his origin? And why was the contractor not involved in this case to clarify things?

Is it understandable that in this maremagno of corruption, the main leaders of the opposition keep a strange silence, also preventing an badembly that should make his voice heard in this chaos?
The painful conclusion is that we are wrapped in a thick fog, that no one is telling us the truth because the vested interests are well above their words, that the country needs irrevocably to demand a vigorous rudder in all areas because it continues to drift, disoriented and pbadive, because of the lack of trust that its leaders inspire.

The lack of institutionalization, whose strength in other countries allows us to cope with the mediocrity of its leaders, is rampant in our country, accustomed to the great and petty corruption in everyday life, who plunged it into the frustration and helplessness rarely seen in the world. Republican history.

If we want to come out of this shameful lethargy, it is necessary to join forces without delay to demand the desired and urgent change, or resign ourselves to a handful of adventurers, protected by an easy and misleading speech, continue to deceive and to plunder the country with secula seculorum.
Think about it.

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