UNTIL 2021: Swimming pool Gavilánez renewed with the city of Guayaquil


Source: StudioFútbol

Guayaquil City FC relies on the direction of the Technical Director Pool Gavilánez and all his technical staff. So much so that he announced the extension of the link with them for three seasons.

Through a publication on their networks, they formalized the renewal until 2021 of Gavilánez, commander of the so-called "City Team".

Up to now, the city of Guayaquil is at the 11th position of the table where it will turn in the second stage to avoid the problems of the descent.

We extend our bond with our coaches until 2021 ? #VamosCity #ElEquipeDeLaCiudad #ConElCorazonAMil pic.twitter.com/A2RUYA4HO5

– Guayaquil City FC ( @GuayaquilCityFC) July 17, 2018

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