Up to 14 number of captures for the death of 3 Colombian prosecutors


FARC dissidents badbadinated three members of the Colombian prosecutor's office in Tumaco.

At age 14, the number captured today in the Colombian municipality of Tumaco (southwest) linked to yesterday badbadination of three officers of the Instance d & # 39; 39; technical inquiry (CTI) of the Public Prosecutor's Office, whose paternity attributed the president Juan Manuel Santos to dissidents of the FARC.

"We have so far carried out 18 raids and 14 captured, 14 captured who had both rifles, pistols, revolvers, two grenades, explosives, mobile phones, a high communication radio -tech and a computer, "Defense Minister Luis Carlos told reporters. Villegas

The captures were made as part of a joint operation developed in La Guayacana Farm by soldiers of Task Force Hercules, Police and Agents of the Technical Investigation Corps.

The Colombian president, Juan Manuel Santos badured by his Twitter account that the group of FARC dissidents commanded by Walter Patricio Arizala, alias " Guacho ", They will pay for the murder of the three agents of the CTI.

" The first involved in the cowardly killing of CTI members have already fallen.We go for all responsible.It is no doubt that ' Guacho & # 39; and his people will pay "writes the head of state.

Authorities investigate whether detainees are part of the so-called" Sinisterra "front of the FARC commissioned by the alias " Guacho ".

"This link is established judicially," said Villegas, adding that the operation of capture of others

The murder of the three prosecution investigators took place yesterday on the road from Tumaco to Pasto, the departmental capital of Nariño, bordering Ecuador, as reported by the police

The murdered officials were identified as Douglas Dimitry Guerrero, of the National Unity Against Crime. Willington Montenegro Martínez, researcher of the Antiexplosivos group, and Jair Alfonso Montenegro Galindes, investigative technician of the CTI of the Procuratorate

The three victims were in a van when they were attacked with weapons at long range at different points of the road and vehicle. He was burned.

Authorities accused Oliver Sinisterra, dissident of FARC who did not accept the signing of peace between the demobilized guerrillas and the Colombian government in 2016.

This group is led by " Guacho ", responsible for the kidnapping and subsequent killing of three members of the journalistic team of the Ecuadorian newspaper El Comercio and a couple from that country this year.

led several terrorist attacks against the electrical infrastructure of Tumaco. EFE

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