US: North Korea continues to produce nuclear materials after summit – La República CE


EPA9481. SINGAPORE (SINGAPORE), June 12, 2018.- US President Donald J. Trump (i) and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un are walking in the gardens of Hotel Capella after having participated in a working lunch During its historic summit of over four hours held at the Capella Hotel in Singapore, today, June 12, 2018. EFE / Kevin Lim / Photo courtesy of The Straits Times / ONLY EDITORIAL USE

The US Secretary of State. Mike Pompeo stated today that North Korea continues to produce fissile material that could be used to make nuclear missiles despite dialogue with Washington on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. 19659003] "Yes, that's right, they continue to produce fissile material," Pompeo responded during an appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the request of Democratic Senator Ed Markey on the possibility that Pionyang produce these items.

The fact that North Korea produced these materials does not mean that it diverts nuclear material for military purposes, which depends on the purity of these fissile materials, including the # 39; uranium. enriched which is used in atomic facilities around the world.

At the historic summit in Singapore on June 12, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President. , Donald Trump signed a declaration that opens the doors to the denuclearization of North Korea in exchange for granting Washington guarantees for its survival, but does not specify precise mechanisms or deadlines to achieve

According to satellite photos, North Korea began dismantling its military base in Sohae in the north-west of the country on Tuesday and Cross-ballistic ballistic missiles are made inboundales (ICBM), those believed to have the ability to reach the United States

The process unfolds without international observers

Skepticism towards denuclearization North Korea has increased since the end of June. citing national intelligence sources, that Pyonyang had continued to enrich uranium after the summit, and that he would try to hide much of his Washington arsenal and reserves. EFE

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