USA sees attack in Masaya Ortega's "clear" desire to remain in power – La República CE


ARCHIVER | Managua 09 January 2012 Daniel Ortega and Omar Hasleleven receive the credentials of CSE President and Vice President Roberto Rivas. Photo LA PRENSA / Uriel Molina

The US State Department said today that the attack of the city of ] Masaya in Nicaragua by the government forces of President Daniel Ortega is "another clear example" of the president's desire to "hang on to power".

" The attack yesterday in Masaya is another clear example of Ortega's willingness to retain power regardless of the price that the Nicaraguan people must pay ", denounced the spokesman of the Ministry of Health. State, Heather Nauert

The US official vehemently criticized that the executive sent Tuesday to the forces of order and to the "armed groups" related to Ortega to Masaya with the aim of regaining control of the streets, an operation in which, according to Nauert, at least three citizens lost their lives

In addition, the spokeswoman expressed her satisfaction that the international community clearly stands against Ortega and thanked the Nicaragua Episcopal Conference for its efforts "to resolve the current conflict, restore respect for human rights and to achieve a better future. "

" We appreciate the The mediating role of the Church, however, we are concerned that its members who work to end the conflict are undergoing attacks, both physical and their reputation, by the governor Ortega and his supporters ", denounced Nauert

. ] Finally, the spokesman urged the Nicaraguan executive to call elections to end "immediately" the wave of violence, which has claimed at least 350 lives since protests began in April. EFE


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