USA warns that "all actions are on the table" with Nicaragua – La República CE


Todd Robinson. Photo taken

The Ambbadador Todd Robinson Counselor for Central American Affairs Department of the State of United States a announced today that " all actions are on the table " with Nicaragua, but have avoided specifying whether his government will impose more sanctions against Nicaraguan officials.

" We can not specifically discuss sanctions measures now, but I can say that all actions are on the table " Robinson said in a press call.

Up to now, United States has revoked some twenty visas to officials and other persons involved allegedly committed human rights violations during protests against the United States. executive of the Nicaraguan president, Daniel Ortega who made more than 350 dead in three months.

In addition, on June 5, lio, United States sanctioned the head of the national police, Francisco Díaz, consuegra of Ortega, as well as the vice president of the oil company Albanisa, Francisco López , and Fidel Moreno Briones, secretary general of the Mayor's office in Managua and who acted as "Leader" of Sandinista Youth

These individuals blocked access to financial transactions in the United States.

Robinson insists today on the fact that the only " way of peace in Nicaragua " follows the call for "anticipated, free, fair and transparent" elections, that is, an advance of the presidential elections that will be held every five years and are scheduled for 2021.

Protests against Ortega on April 18, but the violence was not violent. has intensified in recent days with attacks against the bastion of the opposition of the city of Masaya and against the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), which led to the condemnation of the UN , the European Union (EU) and the Organization of American States (OAS).

Yesterday at the OAS, Nicaraguan Chancellor Denis Moncada blamed Nicaragua on "international terrorist groups" and accuses the United States "In response, Robinson said today that "violence on one side provokes the violence of others, that violence began with the Government of Nicaragua against its own people, the Church"

Demonstrations against Ortega began with failed social security reforms and became a demand for the president's resignation, after 11 years of power. 19659003] "We will use all the tools we have to continue to put pressure on the Ortega government," insisted Robinson. EFE


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