Usain Bolt near Las Vegas Lights FC United States


Source: StudioFootball

Olympic multi-medalist Usain Bolt maintains his dream of playing football professionally. He is currently on trial with an Australian club and has also been badociated with teams from different countries, the United States being one.

Las Vegas Lights FC, of ​​the United Soccer League, is one of the teams interested in adding to the team. Jamaican athlete in their ranks. Brett Lashbrook, the club's owner, acknowledged that he would like to have Bolt but the pay issue would be one of the restrictions for him to play in North America.

"It's the fastest in the world and has been tested with some of the best clubs in the world … Come and play the second division of football in the US really makes sense.It is a specimen of the world. tremendous athlete and we think that he can absolutely triumph at the USL level, "said Lashbrook.

Sánchez Solá of José Luis' Chelis, coach of Las Vegas Lights FC, agreed that he could be in charge of Olympic Multimedallist. "Yesterday, the owner told me that, on Usain Bolt, he is fighting," commented José Luis Sánchez Solá, in an interview.

He also admitted that Usain has many offers but the opportunity to sign it is a

team led by "El Chelís", running into the thirteenth position of the conference of the USL Western, with 20 points, produced five wins, same number of draws and eight defeats

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