Vega: "When I discovered that Soso loved me, I did not hesitate to come"


Source: StudioFútbol

Leandro Vega, a new Emelec Sport Club footballer, spoke on Friday morning with the media, since he was officially presented as a triple champion backer.

How He Happens He said, "My last participation was in San Martín de San Juan, and I have come prepared in the best way, happy to have taken this step, the goals are important to me." [19659002] From his main goal with the "blues" in the early days, he said, "My expectation is to be available to the coach and to be on the field."

I feel very good I have to work every day to show that I am 100%. The game is a coaching issue, I will apply to work, "added the defender.

"Immediately, when my agents told me that Professor Soso loved me, I made the decision to come to this great club." 19659002] Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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