Venezuela proposes to invade Nicaragua to defend the government of Ortega – La República CE


Jorge Arreaza, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, and Daniel Ortega, President of Nicaragua

Managua, July 19. offered today to "defend the sovereignty" of Nicaragua during the celebration of the 39th anniversary of the revolution that overthrew the dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle in 1979.

"Know, President Daniel Ortega that if the Bolivarian people, the revolutionaries of Venezuela, we were to come to Nicaragua, defend the sovereignty and independence of Nicaragua, offer our blood to Nicaragua, we would go like Sandino, to the mountain of Nueva Segovia " said Arreaza. Governor of the Central American country in front of the Sandinista public

The Minister of Foreign Affairs made the offer at a delicate moment for Nicaragua, a country that is going through a bloody socio-political crisis, which has made more than 351 dead in demonstrations against the Ortega government.

Arreaza's words added to the conjecture about the presumed presence of Venezuelan and Cuban military officers who, according to the denunciations of Nicaraguan demonstrators, accompany the "combined forces" that the government when it attack different cities where he believes that there are demonstrations.

Ortega, who claimed that the crisis attempted a coup attempt, was pleased with the offer, and thanked "the message that the Chancellor of the Republic sister of the Venezuela. "

" A very young Chancellor, who spoke to us with his heart, when he speaks of the desire of Venezuelans to accompany our battles, "he said.

Former Cuban Chancellor, Bruno Rodríguez, showed his solidarity with what he considered "interventionist actions".

"We reiterate our solidarity with Nicaragua in the face of the actions It is interventionist and tries to destabilize the nation, which has caused loss of life and material damage, which threaten public security and economic and social progress ", he declared

the representatives of the high-level state who accompanied Ortega in the most important celebration of the ruling Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN)

Nicaragua is going through the socio-economic crisis -the bloodiest policy since the 1980s, also with Ortega as president

The protests against Ortega began on April 18 due to the failure of social security reforms and became a resignation request President, after eleven years in power, with accusations of abuse and corruption in that is against EFE

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