Venezuela ratifies sovereignty and proposes to resume military cooperation with Russia – La República CE


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. (Photo AP / Pavel Golovkin, Pool)

The Government of Nicolás Maduro ratified today, during the commemorative events of the 235 years of the birth of the Libertador Simón Bolívar, his sovereignty, while he proposed to resume military cooperation with "friendly countries" such as Russia, China, Turkey and Iran.

In the parade of the birth of the liberator of Venezuela and the day of the Bolivarian navy Maduro defended against what he clbadified as "imperial aggression" on Caribbean country will always be free and independent.

"Assaults make us stronger, threats make us stronger, because they reinforce our determination not to submit to the yoke of an empire as strong as it is" , stated and pointed out that the Venezuelan navy is working on a defense system for its sea. It has also stated that it was "strongly to resume military cooperation" with country that Venezuela sees as allies like Russia, China, Turkey and Iran to "complete the The Head of State, which praised Navy officers in pointing out that they are an example of how the "principles" and "morality" can be combative combined "confront" the "political, diplomatic and financial aggression" of the empire and the Oligarchy " asked the soldiers to" resist "the faith of the motherland.

toujo in the faith of the country and always advance in offensive. The official lords, men and women of the people (…) put forward all we need, all that we can, all that we need to advance in the political stability, in the economic revival ", he added

. found the first lady, Cilia Flores and her Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, Maduro also told the Navy members that they should be proud to be "anti-imperialist" and " anti-colonial. "

The Declarations of ] Maduro occurred in a context where his government constantly asked the military to be attentive to the so-called versions of intervention of the Venezuelan territory by countries like the United States. United.

Be careful also were made by the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino Lopez, who today congratulated the Venezuelan Navy for remembering that someday as today in 1823 or the naval battle of Lake Maracaibo, an epic "which sealed the definitive rupture of the oppressive chains (…) of the Spanish Empire."

"In the midst of imperial aggression today they haunt us, I urge you all, brave sailors, generation of the present, guardians of the future, to always maintain Bolivar" as an example of "overcoming obstacles in the civico-military union, raising the sails of honor and morale" Meanwhile, Venezuelan opposition leaders also commemorated with messages different the birth of Bolivar as a presidential candidate twice, Henrique Capriles, who remembered the Liberator as "one of the men"

"S he was physically ( Bolívar) among us he was the most loyal opponent of Maduro and his clique, "said C apriles in a message on the social network Instagram, where he also asked the government to Maduro leave power "if you're going truly honor the liberator. "

In addition, the chief Juan Guaidó, representing the party Voluntad Popular (VP), opposition under house arrest Leopoldo López, said that today, when the birth of Bolivar is celebrated, the organization ratifies its "unwavering will to fight until Venezuela is released from dictatorship". 19659004] This same party urged the Venezuelan population and opposition organizations today to add "forces" to achieve a change of government and asked the antichavista leaders to define a "change of government". clear strategy "for that. EFE

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