Venezuelan parliament thinks that gasoline will be rationed after the announcement of Maduro – La República EC


The Venezuelan Parliament's Energy and Oil Committee, with a majority of opposition, considered today that the announcement of President Nicolás Maduro to conduct a census for "rational use" of the essence, obeyed a "rationing policy" which will also serve as "political control".

"We believe that this is primarily due to a fuel rationing policy that will be postponed, an increase in prices and, of course, always behind all that." Jorge Millán MP, member of the Energy and oil commission, told Efe

According to the parliamentarian, fuel supply has become complicated after the American company ConocoPhillips. He is going to seize the state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) refinery in Curacao because, he said, this platform has supplied gasoline to the country.

. also the supply of fuel to seize the refinery of Isla in Curacao that was providing some of the fuel to Venezuela and the government is not able to continue to cover this article so that it is willing to a significant increase, to a significant rationing. "19659002] Samuro said Saturday that the country had to resort to a" rational "and" fair "use of gasoline and noted that" tons " fuel was diverted to the Caribbean and Colombia.

He insisted that a "new energy policy" was going to be applied without going into details, he also asked the country's vehicle owners to s' register through the so-called "country map", instrument by which the government controls the aid

The same day, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), in power, which discusses economic proposals and Maduro's demand-driven policies, reported that this debate no longer increases the price of gasoline or its internationalization.

The Parliament's committee considers that a "significant increase" in the price of gasoline is a factor that will have an impact on the ability of Venezuelans to mobilize, the midst of the crisis in the transport sector, who is now 90% paralyzed and facing low wages.

Meanwhile, opposition leaders such as Andrés Velásquez or MP Luis Stefanelli expressed their rejection by social networks. at the announcement of Maduro because they also consider as a measure for social and political control.

For their part, Venezuelan carriers will evaluate from here to tomorrow when they will submit to this census, according to the President of the Transportation Association. from west of Caracas, Hugo Ocando, to private radio Unión Radio

The carrier indicated that it previously considered this census as a "mockery" and a measure taken by the government to save time because of the shortage of spare parts for vehicles and for which 90% of public transport is paralyzed.

"What will we do next? Where is the census of the transport mission? "He said, referring to the social program by which the government promised the delivery of spare parts facing shortages and complained that" all the time "there is a" check "." Even we forced to get the map of the country (…) if we did not have the map of the country did not sell us any supplies (materials, spare parts) then we had to get the country map to swear, " he said EFE

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