Vice President says that Maduro commercials are the "birth" to socialism – La República CE


Tareck El Aissami

The Economic Vice President of Venezuela, Tareck el Aissami today declared that the measures announced by the Chief of State, Nicolás ] Maduro will lay the foundation "for the definitive birth" towards the "model of social justice" and the "sublime" goals of the "Venezuelan socialist model."

"These measures or this economic program will lay the foundations of the definite birth of independence and national economic sovereignty, with our model of social justice, inclusion, equal distribution of wealth, among other sublime purposes of the Venezuelan socialist model " said.

El Aissami made this statement at a press conference in which he sought to explain the announcements made by Maduro among which the new monetary reconversion that will remove five zeros from the bolivar to August 20 and no As stated four months ago.

The official said that this reconversion is part of a "program for the economic growth and prosperity of Venezuela", a plan "profoundly revolutionary, to consolidate the Venezuelan way to socialism"

The conversion, he says, accompanies the "anchoring" of the new "sovereign bolivar" – the one that leaves five zeros behind – to the cryoprodeur recently created by Maduro on "petro".

Another measure is the exemption from taxes, for one year, on the import of raw materials and machinery for all types of production and according to El Aissami, this decision will "stimulate, promote and to protect "

" These are measures to empower our people and restore their purchasing power " he says.

Venezuelans began to lose their purchasing power a little more recently. four years, a situation that has worsened since last October when a phase of hyperinflation began and that we calculate a daily inflation rate of 2.8%.

The Vice President, however, badured that with these measures Venezuela is tackling "towards a vertiginous growth and complete and productive recovery of all sectors of national life."

Promoted, in this regard, that the government of Maduro He badured that as part of these measures, the protection mechanisms of the popular sectors will be consolidated, as the "notebook of the patria ", a system that the government to register those who wish to have access to a social program.

"We will continue to strengthen these protection mechanisms, direct subsidies, sectoral subsidies to sectors of He also stressed that under this program," stability "will be given to the prices of goods and services and that the "economic war", which ensures they make the government the opposition and businessmen with the support of the United States will have their end on August 20 when the currency conversion will come into effect.

"The economic war, price war, criminal speculation, brutal has its hour and its end, August 20 ends, we will bury, God willing, all forms and expressions of remark, boycott, overvaluation, with all these announcements that the Bolivarian government has just begun to make, "he said .EFE

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