"Victims of the 30s" says that in Ecuador there was no coup d'etat in Correa – La República CE


QUITO-ECUADOR 31/07/2018 Victims of the 30S go to the Judicial Council to file a petition document to investigate the officials, prosecutors and judges involved in the case 30s PHOTO API / JUAN DIEGO MONTENEGRO

The Association " Victims of 30S ", which brings together security forces imprisoned for violent riots in 2010, said today that these events were not a coup d'etat against then President Rafael Correa and asked the Judicial Council (CJ) to investigate the judges and prosecutors.

At this date, the Ecuadorian capital was the scene of altercations following wage demands from the police. increase in proportions that the executive then interpreted as an attempted coup d'etat.

According to the attorney of the badociation of those affected, Oscar Ayerve, in this case, were unjustly convicted of the police and the army. manipulated evidence falsified documents false witnesses were purchased and at the end a real criminal concert was arranged to try to support or na farsa a fact that did not never existed "he added at a press conference held at CJ headquarters

In this case, the Association today presented a report of responsibility criminal issued by the Office of the Comptroller General of the State on the investigation of the facts and the alleged use of public funds of the Secretary of Intelligence of the Government of Correa presumably to incriminate members of the security apparatus. 19659003] The document was handed over to the President of the Council, Aquiles Rigail, who I believe can be used to find "evidence of how human rights have been overthrown" by police and military personnel [19659009]. Relevant investigations to badess whether the authorities involved are brought to justice in the corresponding jurisdictional bodies.

" and prosecutors did not have independence . Appointed by the executive worked with the executive and received Orders of the Executive "added Carlos Gonzalez, representative of the Association.

He denounced to the media that in regard to the case, this justice, in his opinion, "was not independent", punishing hundreds of police and military for a alleged coup d'etat.

Conclusion supported by member of the Judicial Council Argelina Porras, who said that it is a "shame" that the judiciary was used "to persecute those who think differently or those who criticize the political power."

" It is our right as citizens It is not possible that this is the reason why people are sent to prison ", did it he says

In the delivery of the report to the CJ, three members of the Association gave their testimony.the facts, including Kleve Martínez, a former member of the National Police who ensured that all "affected "Found themselves with no power of purchase or re-entry opportunities

" Unfortunately everyone calls us no one gives us I work because in the system we figure as terrorists 30S "he lamented.

During the meeting, outside the Council Chamber, members of the Association demonstrated. with banners demanding the release of soldiers and police pursued for the case.

The former president Correa (2007-2017) claimed to have been abducted at the Quito Police Hospital, facts that the opposition considered as an excuse for the President's share to open a witch hunt against any source of criticism, including reporters, extreme rejected by the former governor.

Yesterday, he pointed out that the report presented today to Co Council of the Judiciary had already been presented to the Council for Citizen Participation and Transitional Social Participation (CPCCS-T).

I emphasize that it also served to the evaluation of the work of the former Attorney General Carlos Baca rejected in April by the National Assembly (Parliament ), who also badyzed the document.

Baca was commissioned to publish a report on the work of a commission investigating the events that took place on September 30, 2010 EFE


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