(VIDEO) Arroyo: "I did not say anything, it's because of the coming of Erazo"


Source: StudioFútbol

Michael Arroyo, a footballer at the Barcelona Sporting Club, made very curious statements after the match against Universidad Católica.

When he was chosen as one of the figures of engagement, the player told GOL TV: "We had to win … We learned something that could happen Monday (today's # 39; hui) ".

Immediately, he added: "The most important thing was to get the 3 points, they will talk about something that happened on a player." And quickly, news articles badociated with a boat problem, claiming that he played in July without a contract, but it is not like that.

And when questioned at the airport, Arroyo made it clear that he was saying nothing, referring to Frickson Erazo, who would join Barcelona this week

We leave the video at your disposal!

Arroyo: "I did not say anything, it's because of Fricson Erazo coming". FIIIIIIIIIIN OF THE ROMAN. Gambeta, you are evil. ?: @ riveranico10 #BSC pic.twitter.com/EBBSL9L69h

– SDK (@SoldadosDelKitu) July 16, 2018

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