(VIDEO) Borja: "I will continue to work with the same humility, without fainting"


Source: StudioFútbol

Jonathan Borja, offensive element of the University Sports League of Quito, spoke yesterday with LIGA TV after the great victory of his team against Emelec (2-1 ) at the stadium Rodrigo Paz Delgado, for the 2nd date of the second leg of the local tournament 2018.

On the goal that marked the 'blue & # 39; (at that time it was the draw), he said: "Thank God, today he has come in. The work I have done every week, without doing anything. stories, is paying off. "

Regarding what he thought after scoring, he revealed:" I remembered all the people that during that time I had a hard time supporting myself, that I had to keep working (a few minutes and poor performance) .Today (yesterday) I had more time on the field and I was able to score. "

" I will continue to work with the same humility, every day without fainting.We are all engaged and we want to win the championship directly.We must win the matches as if we had not won the first stage, "said Borja

We leave the video at your disposal!

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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