(VIDEO) BSC filed a 30-day debt appeal against Ariel Nahuelpán


Source: StudioFútbol

This Tuesday in the Executive Committee of the FEF it was known that Barcelona SC appealed the term of 30 days corresponding to the debts with CLUB Deportivo Del Valle (1 $ 345,000 ) and Ariel Nahuelpán ($ 1 – 025,000).

During the processing of this order, the bullfighting team exonerated from paying the payments. Curator BSC Jorge Reinoso gave details of the operation to the sports press

#BSC challenged the request of the Deportivo del Valle. [: @ riveranico10 pic.twitter.com/oOEI1z0a1h

– SDK (@SoldadosDelKitu) July 25, 2018

#BSC disputes the request of Ariel Nahuelpan and mentions that in his contract, the only way to claim is FIFA. [: @ riveranico10 pic.twitter.com/dDDIuZqVlY

– SDK (@SoldadosDelKitu) July 25, 2018

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