(VIDEO) CLOSED COURSE WELL: BSC defeated Catholic in Atahualpa


Source: StudioFútbol

The Universidad Católica played at the Olympic Stadium Atahualpa in Quito against the Barcelona Sporting Club

The last Sunday match was valid for the last day (date 22) of the championship Ecuadorian 2018

The team led by Guillermo Almada was superior and won by the score of two to three (2-3).

Michael Arroyo, free kick, opened everything with a goal, 37 minutes. Cifuente equaled 47 ". At age 65, a goal against Lopez's side again gave the "bullfighters" an advantage. Esterilla will install every minute later. Cifuente reduced the 89th

With this result, BSC finished the first phase of the tournament in second place with 45 points, one point behind the La Liga de Quito (winner of the special).

Gooooooooool ] @ mikyjr1 0-1. pic.twitter.com/EuCnpBQId1

– Goals of Barcelona (@GolesBSC) July 15, 2018

#Degoliador #Cifuente @UCatolicaEC 1 × 1 ] @barcelonaSC pic.twitter.com/e1JMVcdfr1

– EcuaGoLianos (@Ecuagolianos) July 16, 2018

Andrés López autogol after Esterilla 1-2 center. pic.twitter.com/i80ybXflD4

– The goals of Barcelona (@GolesBSC) July 16, 2018

Gooooooool by Ely Esterilla and great game by Nahuelpan 1-3. pic.twitter.com/P18ORZaArB

– The goals of Barcelona (@GolesBSC) July 16, 2018

Víctor Loor Bonilla

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