(VIDEO) Ecuador Champion of the World Cup Special Olympics


Source: StudioFútbol

The Ecuador based on his claws and his heart won the grand final by a draw in Uruguay which allowed him to proclaim himself Champion of the Cup of the Special Olympics World. The only goal was scored on the last stretch of the second part

At the end of the meeting, the boys celebrated in style and gathered in a circle to congratulate themselves on this achievement and, in turn, to shout a bar for the country. . These guys have shown that it was possible. Long live the champion!

The Ecuadorian Special Olympics Team is proclaimed World Cup Champion ????????????????? Congratulations, guys deserve this achievement ???? ?? 19 pic.twitter.com/rAbmvqzzwM

– Johanna Calderón (@ johacalderon11) July 21, 2018

Ecuador champion of Special Olympics in football! pic.twitter.com/zhfAdKUvON

– Andres Vasconez (@RufoAndres) July 21, 2018

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