(VIDEO) FOR 3 POINTS: City, ready to face Macará


Source: StudioFútbol

This Friday will begin the second day of the second leg of the Ecuadorian Championship 2018. The city of Guayaquil will receive Macará de Ambato

The commitment will be at the stadium Christian Benítez, at 15:00. . The "citizens" need to add the 3 points so that little by little he leaves the descent zone.

Yesterday and today, the staff worked intensely, in order to obtain a triumph in front of "the celestial idol". 19659002] In a conversation with STUDIO FÚTBOL Professor Pool Gavilánez badured that the 'City Team', for this second stage, wants to continue to develop their project, leaving the last places in the ranking and see how to get into an international tournament for 2019.

We leave the videos of the last workout!

Tomorrow will be the duel against # Macará and everything is getting ready

Formation of. @ GuayaquilCityFC in this moment: pic.twitter.com/Tk3nUPoJkK

– Victor Loor Bonilla (@victorloorb) July 26, 2018

Shooting at the Bow Today On thursday @ GuayaquilCityFC [19] 659011] pic.twitter.com/qcTOCtcasx

– Aso Futbol Guayas (@AsoGuayas) July 26, 2018

of the Editors: Title Víctor Loor Bonilla

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