(VIDEO) GOLF & # 39; MORLACO & # 39 ;: Deportivo Cuenca def. U. Católica


Source: StudioFútbol

On day 2 (2nd stage) of the Havoline Lubricants Cup, the Deportivo Cuenca received the Universidad Católica at the Alejandro Serrano Aguilar stadium. The end result was 2-1 in favor of Austral Express & # 39;

The Expreso Austral jumped into his own zone to the Chatolei team that is headed by the Colombian Santiago Escobar and at 30 – he could put himself forward, after being convicted by a criminal Contested lack of Wilmer Meneses on Jackson Pita and Edison Preciado batiera of the twelve pbades to Hernán Galíndez.

At 52, Jackson Pita would double the count for the Azuayo Champion setting with the hierarchy after a sublime pbad to the Preciado void, after which the Trencito would pbad through the relentless John Cifuente at 59. But the dashboard would no longer move with the 2 × 1, which earned Deportivo Cuenca three vital points. f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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