(VIDEO) Great! The ovation that Muslera received in Uruguay


Source: StudioFootball

Great. More words to describe the great gesture of gratitude that the Uruguayans had with goalkeeper Fernando Muslera on his arrival in the country.

The goalkeeper played all the CharrĂșas games in World Cup, but in the last, against France, for the quarter-finals, the ball played him a trick and made a mistake that increased the advantage of the Gauls over the Uruguayans

Despite this setback, the Uruguayan fans turned to the streets and the lights of his mobile phones light up, in unison they shouted: "Muslera, Muslera …" [19659002] The archer himself shared the video on his social networks, with a message of thanks:

THANK YOU ???? …. for this beautiful reception, for the unconditional support and for the love of the most beautiful in the world! … #LaCeleste #ElEquipoQueOfOne #AgrantedOrSerUruguayo ???? pic.twitter.com/ZmYHoHapyy

– Nando Muslera (@ 1_Muslera_25) July 9 2018

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