(VIDEO) IN DUEL TREATMENT: Emelec paired against Macará in Ambato


Source: StudioFootball

On the 21st of the Havoline Lubricants Cup, Macará received Emelec at the Bellavista stadium in Ambato. The final result was 2-2

At 52 minutes, a corner kick by Matamoros allowed De Jesus to open the scoring. Macará found in the same way the equal of equality. Another corner kick and in 61 minutes, Leonel Quiñónez made a good head.

Emelec felt the blow received for good and it did not take him long to return to the electronics. At 64 minutes, Marlon de Jesus called Brayan Angulo who appeared with all his actors.

The Ambateños again rocked and matched things again while Leonel Quiñónez took a cross that Juan Manuel Tevez took advantage of the lead. 72 minutes

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