(VIDEO) REINFORCEMENT BLUE: Nicolás Queiroz is already in GYE


Source: StudioFútbol

This Sunday, in the afternoon, came the new reinforcement of CLUB Sport Emelec

Here is the Uruguayan flyer, Nicolás Queiroz. As soon as he arrived in Guayaquil, he donned the club shirt

Upon his arrival, several media were present to seize the moment.

The football player will make statements when it will be presented at a press conference.

Apart from this element, the & # 39; blue & # 39; would be about to specify another signature, and that would be the replacement of Ayrton Preciado, which was announced yesterday as a new addition to Santos Laguna de Mexico.

It is the arrival of Nicolás Queiroz in Guayaquil. Uruguayan is the new addition of Emelec. pic.twitter.com/kCNW3NbyiV

– INFO CSE (@InfoCSE_) July 22, 2018

We leave the video at your disposal!

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