(VIDEO) SHEET: BSC facing "Duros del Balo"


The SC Barcelona came back to work after last Saturday's victory against the University Technician two goals against one in Ambato.

The yellow under Guillermo Almada are leaders in the special with two wins in two games in a key semester where everything will be played for everything to reach the final.

Therefore, this morning in the alternative fields of the Monumental a friendly match was held between players who had no action this weekend. a set from Salinas that plays the second category called Duros del Balon.

In this game, Almada decided to shoot all the reinforcements that arrived for this semester as Christian Alemán, Frickson Erazo, Joffre Guerrón and José Ayoví in addition to Byron Castillo, who returned after a long injury.

Up to now, BSC has been able to qualify Alemán only in the Ecuadorian Football Federation and it is expected that this week it will be possible to go the process with the remaining players.

Taking on Frickson Erazo's court, Jose Ayovi, Jofre Guerron and the recovered Byron Castillo, @barcelonaSC plays a friendly match against the Duros of the second division ball. pic.twitter.com/RxJVxozbD5

– Oscar Ortega (@ oortega10) July 30, 2018

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