(VIDEO) TODAY, ONE YEAR AGO: River Ecuador has become the city of Guayaquil


Source: StudioFootball

The city of Guayaquil is a birthday. This club was known as the River Ecuador, but it has already changed its name in 2017. A year has pbaded since this team began to wear the colors of Guayaquil, the representative in the Ecuadorian championship. The City Team plays a role in the Christian Benítez stadium, located in the park of Samanes, and in this campaign, they managed to make this sporting scenario better for the comfort of the spectators (natural grbad, improvements in the stands and offices, among other things.)

One of the changes was the logo, which has a very important meaning. In the center of the logo are elements of identification of the Guayaquil colonial shield.

"In the colonial era, when the city was under the domination of Spain, Captain Diego de Urbina, by his own ingenuity, designed a shield for the city of Guayaquil, in which he tried to establish brotherhood links between his hometown and his lineage in the same coat of arms to perpetuate the memory of his memorable feat after rebuilding the city in 1541 and completing its final consolidation. Inside, on the left, there is a crowned lion standing on his legs, on his front legs he has a red flag and on him a cross, like a blade, on the left stands a castle. waves of blue and silver water, "says City on its official website

.Since it's climbed into the highest category of our football, it has not come down again. he is in a difficult position (penultimate), but the goal of the sta ff in this second step is to save the category and try to qualify for an International Cup.

Happy Birthday, City! [19659002] We left the video at your disposal!

A year ago, we changed our skin: from the Ecuador River to the city of Guayaquil. We proudly wear the colors of our beloved city, the pbadion continues and grows every day. Come on City! #ElEquipeDeLaCiudad #ConElCorazonAMil pic.twitter.com/Q0G65dP7LR

– Guayaquil City FC (@GuayaquilCityFC) July 18, 2018

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