(VIDEO) Villacís assured that the "hard" of the Pro League has received the draft Cup of Ecuador


Source: StudioFútbol

Carlos Villacís, president of the FEF, badured this morning that the highest representatives of the Professional League were receiving the Ecuador Cup project, a tournament to which clubs have refused to attend after a meeting yesterday afternoon in Guayaquil

Upon entering the offices of the FEF, Villacís was consulted on this issue and said that he was surprised when he said that at the signing of the agreement between the FEF and the Pro League for the Ecuadorian championship was given the project.

"The theme of the Ecuador Cup was discussed with the main players of the professional league (Miguel Ángel Loor and Luis Manfredi) and they received the project.I am surprised that the Executive Director does not have a lot of money. did not send the document to the clubs, "said Villacís.

"We will send the project to the club presidents to badyze it even if we have already delivered it to the professional league". ]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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