(VIDEO) WITH TWO GOLASTS: BSC took the three points of Ambato



Source: StudioFútbol

At the Estadio Bellavista of Ambato, the teams of the University Technician and SC Barcelona clashed on the second Championship in an entertaining duel decided for

The team led by Guillermo Almada was not superior in the process of the game but was powerful in key moments, since in both times he scored in the first minutes.

At minute 2, a great game from Michael Arroyo led to Ely Esterilla who gave Juan Ignacio Dinenno a great center to score his first goal after just over 30 days of drought.

In the second half, BSC again applied the same recipe and from the restart shot was set up a play that ended in a large wall between Damián Díaz -with taco included- that Arroyo defined.

Almost immediately the delivery of Univ technician came ersitario after a shot from outside the Fernando Mora area. Michael Arroyo missed a penalty almost at the end of the game.

With this victory, BSC continues its good start with two wins in this second stage.

Great Wall of Diaz and Arroyo … and goal of BSC ] pic.twitter.com/b39AhJ4B7W

– Juan Jose Palacios (@jjpalaciosc) July 28, 2018

The 11th of #RodilloRojo ] commissioned by Professor Fabian Frias who will be going out to win our duel before #BSC

] – TécnicoUniversitario (@TecnicoUOficial) July 28, 2018

Aligning the idol | #CopaLubricantesHavoline pic.twitter.com/8QfpqdtRie

– BARCELONA S.C. (@barcelonaSC) July 28, 2018

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