Wagner Moura and Ana de Armas will direct a film about the Brazilian diplomat – La República EC


The Netflix Digital Platform Signed Wagner Moura and Ana de Armas to be the star of a biographical film about the Brazilian diplomat Sergio Vieira de Mello, murdered in 2003 during an attack on Iraq when he was on mission as a special envoy of the UN

The specialized media The Hollywood Reporter detailed today that this film, still untitled, will be the director's first fictional Greg Barker, known for documentaries such as "Manhunt: The Inner History of Hunting Bin Laden" (2013).

The cast of the feature film will also include Garret Dillahunt, Will Dalton, Clemens Schick and Brian F. O. Byrne.

Wagner Moura. Photo taken from the internet

Sergio Vieira de Mello, who will be played by Moura, died in Baghdad in August 2003, along with 21 other people, during a terrorist attack against the facilities of the city. UN.

Vieira de Mello He was also high commissioner of the UN for human rights

The history of the Brazilian diplomat is not new to Greg Barker, since in 2009, he created the documentary "Sergio" on his silhouette.

of the public with his role in the thriller "Tropa of Elite" (2007), the Brazilian actor Wagner Moura is known worldwide to be put in the skin of the Baron de the Colombian drug Pablo Escobar in the Netflix series "Narcos". Cuban actress Ana de Armas has made her way to Hollywood through such films as "Blade Runner 2049" (2017) or "Hands of Stone" (2016). EFE


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