Wall between Mexico and the United States UU threatens the survival of thousands of species | NTN24


More than a thousand species of animals are threatened with survival if the wall is built at the US border. UU and Mexico, which was proposed by President Donald Trump as a measure to stop illegal immigration, warned thousands of scientists in a letter Tuesday.

Iconic animal populations such as bighorn sheep or ram (Ovis canadensis), Mexican gray wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) and American antelope (Antilocapra americana), all already in danger, will be dangerously divided by a wall, according to a letter signed by 2700 scientists from around the world, published in the BioScience magazine

Jaguars (Panthera onca) and ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) are among the species that have "residual populations in the United States ", occupying about 20,000 square kilometers or less, so a wall would increase the risk that they disappear completely in the country.

The lead author of the letter is Robert Peters, from the conservation group Defenders of Wildlife.

The text is det They combine threats to biodiversity over the 3,200 kilometers in which the US president wants to build the border fence to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, and adds that "the construction of fences and walls in the last decade and the Trump administration's efforts to complete a continuous border fence threatens some of the continent's most biodiverse regions. "

" The already-built sections of the wall reduce the area, quality and connectivity of plant habitats and He adds that "political and media attention (…) often underestimates or distorts damage to biodiversity."

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