WAS NOT UNANIMOUS? The main voice of FEF did not want the & Bolillo & # 39; from DT


Source: StudioFútbol

José Miguel Mosquera, third principal member of the Council of the Ecuadorian Football Federation, spoke via Twitter of the democracy that existed in the institution to choose the new coach of the Ecuadorian national team

He did not comment on anything controversial, but clarified that the decision to vote for Colombian coach Hernán Darío Gómez was not unanimous, because it was not agreed

the responsibilities that the new board of directors must badume by law, inter alia that of not committing future economic resources or the designation of DT " , he said

"A majority decision was made on the board of directors." "I did not agree, but that's how the democracy is, however, we must support this attempt to reach the World Cup, "he said.

We left the tweets at your disposal!

A majority decision was made in the directory about the hiring of a DT for the following eliminatory process, I did not agree but that was not the case. This is democracy, but there is support for this attempt to reach the world cup

– pepe miguel mosquera (@ pepemiguel10) July 18, 2018

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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