"We are not assholes": Esteban Paz considered that he did not present LDU in the final


Source: StudioFootball

Esteban Paz held a dialogue with his colleague Stalin Cobeña of MachDeportes, where he highlighted what the League had done to avoid the change of time. "I spoke with Loor and Villacis and I told them that if the rules were broken and that they were changed at 5:00 pm, the cup was declared abandoned and we were not playing."

The U director was emphatic in stating the extreme extent they would take in case they were disrespected. "We are not badholes, I spoke to Villacis and Loor, they were changing the time at 5:00 pm, we would not play the final against Emelec."

Paz clarified what was resolved between the knights and what had happened to the internal Equafútbol. "Villacis and Loor have ordered De la Torre not to break the rules during the discussion of the subject.The League and Emelec will play at noon Sunday."

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