"We know that Ayrton is one of the best players in Ecuador"


Source: StudioFútbol

Saturday night, Santos Laguna de México officially signed the signing of the player Ayrton Preciado, now ex-member of the Emelec Sport Club.

Last Friday, the writing of ] STUDIO FOOTBALL had confirmed this news. Sources close to Santos told us that it would be presented during the weekend and it's like that.

In addition, before the announcement on social networks, they told us why they were for the ex-figure of the "blues". What we want is someone who has a goal, leave everything on the ground; good speed and face. We know that he is currently one of the best players in Ecuador, "said the source.

Gonzalo Vargas, representative of the 24-year-old Esmeralda football player, spoke on Twitter, encouraging Preciado : "Trust, Loyalty.

Before the official announcement, when negotiating for Ayrton Preciado, Santos Laguna, they told me: goal, leave everything on the ground, good speed and tackle, we know that he is currently one of the best players of #Ecuador . pic.twitter.com/Qx3xO5d41i

– Víctor Loor Bonilla (@victorloorb) July 22, 2018

Trust, Loyalty This is just beginning @ayrton pic.twitter. com / UE4SgOawaS

– Gonzalo Vargas (@chalo_vargasr) 22 July 2018

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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