What price! France got 38 million dollars to be champion


Source: StudioFútbol

On Sunday morning, the French national team was crowned world champion beating Croatia in the final of the 2018 World Cup.

Apart from the celebrations and the Starting from the name of the country at the top, the French federation will enjoy an extremely high price.

And that is that France, for being the winner of the World Cup, got $ 38,000,000 in prizes. On the other hand, Croatia ended up with $ 28,000,000 to be a finalist

Belgium, the selection that got third place took $ 24 million; England made a profit of 22 million dollars

We leave the details at your disposal!

This Sunday, the champion of # Russia2018 will close a figure of 38 million dollars in price. This is the comparative chart of prices of the last 2 worldwide. pic.twitter.com/D5jdDK0T1t

– Andrés Muñoz Araneda (@andresmunoza) July 15, 2018

Note: Víctor Loor Bonilla

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