What will happen next? BSC and the Nahuelpán case


Source: StudioFootball

In the BSC there are still problems in the economic field, the most recent being the debt recorded by Ariel Nahuelpán. A million dollars that the club has to cancel in just 30 days

It is here an emergency situation that unfortunately the current board of directors had to accept in the measure of his responsibilities because the player brought them. The long-term investment has not been more than justified by the irregular performance of the player.

However, it is true that the president of BSC decided to keep the debt with the player for the most important, he confirmed yesterday: reached Nahuelpán due to the urgency of the debts of FIFA which threatened the club with the reduction of points and with the memory that this situation meant to the yellows last year (to stay out of the Libertadores and thus without several millions more dollars for the budget, which also affected the delay of this article with Nahuelpan.)

What you should see, is that it could be a turning point in the player's relationship with the board and even with the fans as happened in the case of Ismael Blanco who also claimed something exceptional while he was a BSC player.

Up to now, BSC must comply with this provision to avoid a lot of problems. more serious but in the sport we will see if it has consequences.

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