What will they say about Venezuela and Nicaragua?


Danilo Arbilla
Montevideo, Uruguay

He said the dad Francisco: "May this blessing period allow Venezuela to return to harmony" (???)

When In the next six years, when Nicolás Maduro pretend to stay in power, illegitimately and draw blood and fire if necessary?

The Argentinian Jorge Bergoglio also wished that "Beloved inhabitants of Nicaragua rediscover their brothers so that divisions and discord do not prevail" (???)

How With the resurrection of more than 300 dead, regaining the freedom of the press, without blows, with the end of the dictatorship Ortega-Murillowho has the same aspirations as Maduro?

In some cases, the head of the Catholic Church has been critical and, with his best proletarian-kirchnerist tone, he warned that "some celebrate the banquets wonderfully and many have no bread."

Who did he want to say? Maybe Maduro and the ruling military rulers, or the Ortega-Murillo couple. It is prudent, or almost, that their tables are splendid.

What is absolutely certain is that there will be no bread in thousands and thousands of tables of Nicaraguans and many other Venezuelans. Does the Pope know that in Venezuela a minimum wage does not allow to pay two modest meals to a family or that it is not enough to buy two kilos of meat?

How will these "blessings" of the pontiff fall on the families of the dead and political prisoners of Nicaragua and Venezuela? What will the 2.3 million Venezuelans in exile and the many others who are hungry in Venezuela think?

No one can surprise these statements of the pope. This is his position: with the history of dialogue and reconciliation, was the biggest support for Maduro. With this "proposal" of harmony, he removed her hair two years ago and is responsible for worsening the crisis in Venezuela.

The pope speaks of "splendid banquets" and fails to talk about human rights violations. Do not you know that in Nicaragua, they threw away the IACHR, an organization of the OAS?

No one should be surprised, let alone try to explain and inform the pope of what is happening in Venezuela. He, well he knows it.

I am curious to know what the Catholic Church will say about Bergoglio's show in 30, 40, 70 years, or four or five centuries. He will ask for forgiveness as with "abuse"; or admit that the earth moves, giving reason to Galileo's stubbornness; or will he change the story as much as possible, as in the case of the blessing of cannons?

And what will say, for example, the Mexican president López Obradorwho stepped back and took the right road, as the Cuban government said? Now, AMLO supports Maduro.

Perhaps he does not have much more to explain, at most to say that he returns to the old policy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), in which AMLO started and drank from his sources, ignoring the "Tlatelolco's badbadination"And in presidencies such as those of Luis Echeverría and José López Portillo, in which he stole his hands full, it is the policy of the independence of always (with an inflection before the United States), direc- there.

More difficult to explain, it will result in the Uruguayan left and the Frente Amplio, in power. What will they say? Maybe they have to do it in a very short time.

The position of the Uruguayan government in the face of the Venezuelan crisis is one of the things that has attracted the most attention from the international community. Nobody explains that they so stubbornly support a dictatorial regime. Explanations are sought. Major media badysts do it; they start digging and they will surely continue digging.

As he moved the word to the country "small and exemplary". All this harms the image of Uruguay, the government and the left.

And all these costs to support Maduro, the Venezuelan army and its Cuban partners.

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