Where will Maduro go? – the EC Republic


Danilo Arbilla
Montevideo, Uruguay

Nicolás Maduro asked: "where are you going?" The same thing is marveling on the part of all and especially those who seek a solution to the Venezuelan situation: where to put it? Where to send it?

This is the big dilemma, looking for an "exit" to Maduro. Give him security In short, to guarantee that he will not be judged for all that he has done to Venezuela and Venezuelans. And not only about Maduro, we will surely have to give "badurances" to Diosdado Cabello and some others, including some generals.

If you check the map, there are not many "where" corners.

Normally, Latin leftists do not choose to go into exile in Cuba, and today the Castro regime is not able to shelter so many people. Russia, China, Turkey and Iran are allies, but in another plan and another strategy.

The most sought-after exiles, according to antecedents, are Europe, especially the countries that have recognized Guaidó, and the United States, which do not disgust him when they have the chance to s & # 39; to return there. But for the moment, it seems difficult to find places for Maduro and his followers in these destinations.

As a result, only a few friends and allies from the Americas remain. And in this plan, the scenario is very curious, because for all the countries "friends", the fact to receive this contingent of "millionaires" Venezuelans with the blocked accounts would constitute an internal problem.

Let's start with Mexico: will AMLO be encouraged? One thing is to play at both ends and to "ask", and another is that so many people come to live among which there are many drug traffickers. And for what others?

Uruguay, the other "mediator", is very small for both Chavez. The Stalinist Uruguayan Communist Party, which "manages" the Frente Amplio (FA), a left-wing ruling coalition in the country, would be willing to do so, but not enough. It is difficult for President Tabaré Vázquez and the former José "Pepe" Mujica, who sponsored Maduro, to take as many risks. Nowadays, the image of Vázquez has been somewhat jostled by alleged members of the "business family" with Venezuela. The same is true for the MPP (Mujica Group) sectors, also "linked" to Venezuela. But it is not only that: at the end of this year, there are elections and the FA does not have them all, and the support for the Maduro dictatorship affects it. For both FA and Maduro, time should be saved and "mediation" should flourish.

Nicaragua? The dictatorial duo Ortega-Murillo is still determined to repress Nicaraguans and does not seem to want to make much more waves. What is happening in Venezuela has benefited marriage because it has diverted attention from the world, which must not be neglected in any way since Nicaragua is as serious as the Chavez dictatorship.

The same thing happens to Evo Morales in Bolivia. It's quiet It does not say a word against Bolsonaro, for example. Moreover, talking about opening the doors to the "chavistas", in those times when it is planned to stay for a fourth period in government, does not seem appropriate. Why add "news" news to the relentless resignations of judges of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal who refuse to support him in his new attempt to violate the Constitution. Evo is similar to Ortega, but more neat.

Then there is the case of Argentina. Today, I do not even think about it, but the Argentineans can be surprising. As in Uruguay, it has presidential elections in October and Cristina Kirchner, which counts many lawsuits for corruption, is one of the favorites. In addition, earlier this week, Argentinian organizations demonstrated in Buenos Aires in favor of Maduro. Among the organizers was Juan Grabois, friend of Pope Francisco, who would be his unofficial representative in Argentina and through whom he would send gifts – scavrarios and stamps – to Kirchner's agitators. The demonstration was not great, that's true. The call that Grabois made via the networks did not have much of an echo. The response of these, however, was very negative. An example: "Juan Grabois, spokesman for peace and love proclaimed by the pope, walks in favor of the one who kills innocent people, with bullets and hunger." Francisco's kind people. "

An eloquent expression of what was the tone of the popular reaction, which also indicates an alternative to the concern of the principle: where to place Maduro and the Chavists?

Why not the Vatican? Pope Francis was and is the one who has helped Maduro to "save time".

By "peaceful dialogue" (Maduro style), of course.

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