Winners of the 59th Painting Show of 2018 – The EC Republic


Guayaquil.- The July Hall will award three prizes worth US $ 20,000.00 and three honorable mentions without economic compensation

First Prize of the 59th Julio Fundación de Guayaquil Painting Exhibition was for the # 39, another entitled "Theories", by José Luis Pinto, which consisted of $ 10,000.00.

The second prize was for the work " The object, the artist and the shadow", ] of the paternity of $ 6,000.00.

Third Prize, for the work " You" of the paternity of Jonnathan Fabricio Mosquera, for $ 4000, 00.

Honorable Mentions: First Mensión: "Disposable utensils" by Emilio Seraquive Valarezo. Second Mention: " Gravity Work" by Irene Cordovez Gómez and Tercera Mención for "The Theater of the World" by Andrés Velásquez Dután.

The Salon Julio badumes painting as an open discipline that continually accords with the aesthetic drifts and the cultural climate of the moment. However, it does not intend to define the limits or the duty to be of the painting, so that it manifests its openness to different approaches or approaches, provided that & # 39; It is consistent with the nature of the Salon.

After which a selection of works is selected and the awards and mentions selected, the Department of Culture has for priority to appoint an admission jury and a jury composed of academics, commissioners or artists with sufficient references to develop the task, taking into account its prestige, its validity and its level of contribution to the artistic community where it performs its work.

Their experience can be verified by the public in the conferences that they dictate and contributes to contiguous reflection

The awards ceremony will be held on Tuesday, July 24 at 19:00 in the afternoon. Auditorium of the Municipal Museum and will be held it will be able to go until the 25 of August.


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