Edge Back his wife in the social media war with Becky Lynch; Call the man "Edge Lite"


Recently, we noticed Becky Lynch, the two-time WWE champion, getting involved in social media when she was in the Hall of Fame, Beth Phoenix, after Raw and Smackdown, the women's champion. reminded the so-called "Glamazon" to stay away from his titles.

Phoenix responded by reminding The Man that as a three-time female champion and former Divas champion, both players were tied in the title reigns. This prompted Lynch to post a photo of her in the ring with Edge, Beth's husband at the Hall of Fame, accepting sarcastically that they were "neck and neck" – a clear blow for the early retirement of Rated-R Superstar.

"Listen to the man," Edge retaliated on his own Twitter. "You're doing well now, kid. But we can all find pictures of your steampunk phase, with a familiar entry where you try Edge lite. And fail. Sooooo let's go with you.


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