في ذكرى وفاته .. Information about the artist سمير وحيد .. نوستالجيا


Today, the anniversary of the death of the artist Samir Wahid, who began his career with several TV evenings in the late 1960s, before participating in the film "Criminal under probation" in 1969, before leaving for years, then returning to the series "Ivy Tree" in 1976, Abdul Aziz.

His works, later shown on television and in the cinema, were best known for the series "The Night of the Arrest of Fatima", "The Second Gathering", "Raafat El Hagan", "The Consciousness of Fatima". Abla Hikmat "and" Arabesque ". "Escape", "bus drivers" and "humiliation". His latest works are "The Digger" and "Glitter in the Cloud".

The star actress Elham Shaheen and the artist Mohamed Reza, directed by Nur El Demerdash, worked with the director of great photography Mahmoud Abdel Samie in Nader's film "The Snakes" directed by Adel Adham Galal in 1985.
And his only son, the artist Rami Wahid, who came on the scene in 2002 and has presented several films and series.

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