11 dead in a suicide bombing after the return of the vice president of exile


Eleven people were killed Sunday in a suicide bombing at the entrance of the Kabul International Airport, coinciding with a rally of dozens of people to receive Afghan Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum, who returned home after more than a year in exile. And 14 wounded, according to a new report from Kabul police spokesman Hishmat Stanikzai.

Many senior officials, political leaders and supporters of Dostam rallied at the airport to receive the influential Uzbek warlord.

A spokesman for Dostum, Bashir Ahmad Tayang, confirmed that the vice president, wearing a western uniform and two sunglbades, was in an armored vehicle and was not wounded during the explosion

Dostum, whose name is badociated with human rights abuses in Afghanistan, received a warm welcome as well as the fact that he was in the midst of his life. He was coming down from a chartered plane from Turkey, where he had been living since May 2017.

His return, which was speculative, in many northern states of Afghanistan, which is his traditional base.

In recent weeks, thousands of Dostum supporters have gone to

Expectations of his return to stop protests have not been successful, and protesters swore Sunday to continue to manifest until Dostum asks them to stop.

"We do not trust the government and we will continue our protests until General Dostum orders us to stop."

Quanch reiterated calls for the release of Nizamuddin Qaysari, the local police chief and a militiaman of thousands of Dostum elements, who was arrested early July

Another protester, Mbadoud Khan, has stated: "We have been on the street for 20 days, and the government is trying to silence our voices, but we will continue until Dostum arrives and asks us to stop.


Observers say that President Ashraf Ghani, a Pashtun ethnic group, has given the go-ahead for Dostum's return to stabilize northern Afghanistan, the Uzbek ethnicity in the country. next year's presidential election, which he is expected to participate in.

Dostam al-Satini is known as a warlord for [2000] He left Afghanistan in May 2017 after having been accused of having raped and tortured a political rival, he denied the accusers and he said he had left the country for medical examinations, and for reasons

In 2009, Rich described him as a "known killer", but chose him as his deputy in the election 2014, reflecting a fragile balance of power.

Presidential spokesman Harun Shakhansuri said Saturday that Dostum had been "And he will resume his duties on his return."

Seven Dostum guards were convicted of badual badault,

Shakhansuri refused to answer questions on whether Dostum would face charges: "The judiciary is an independent body, and the government does not interfere in its decisions."

Dostum is the second chief of war to return to Kabul.

In 2017, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, nicknamed the "butcher of Kabul", after being bombarded without mercy in the 1990s, returned to the Afghan capital after 20 years of absence following an agreement Between a rich government that guarantees impunity

The Afghan government is in a precarious position in the north, with a growing presence of armed partisans in the State of Guzjan, stronghold of Dostum, Taliban advance in the state of Farah

In the run-up to the 2018 parliamentary elections and the 2019 presidential elections, Ashraf Ghani needs minimal stability in the country. "Taliban peace offerings have so far been unsuccessful." Function (d, s, id) {
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