13 Information about the artist Mai Skaf .. specifically what I wrote about Syria before his death


Books – Sarah Al-Qbadas:

Published on:
Tuesday, July 24, 2018 – 1:05 pm
| Last update:
Tuesday, July 24, 2018 – 1:05 pm
"All these titles were launched by the Syrian artist Mai Skaf, who left our world Monday morning, at the age of 49, in the French capital Paris, without confirmation of the cause of death until his death.

In this report, we record 13 information summarizing the life of the deceased artist.

Mekkaf was born in Damascus in 1969 and began his career at the university theater.

In 1991, director Maher Kaddou chose for the championship The film "Sahil body", and after playing in the chosen film director Abdul Latif Abdul Hamid's hero of the film "The Rise of the Rain". [19659004] * His role in the "Ababaid" series has made his fame of launching into the world of television fiction, and has produced more than 30 series, including "Seasons of Danger, Poplar Eye, Age, Spiritual Constraints". , Cordoba spring, diaspora, asphalt collar. "

" The Rise of the Rain "," The Veil of the Body ", and the most recent film" Mirage "in 2017, embodied the role of a Syrian woman emigrated to France during the Revolutionary Years She dreamed of becoming the first woman to govern an Arab country

In 2004, the Dramatic Theater Institute was founded in a small hall on Shahbandar Square, Damascus


Mekkaf was known for her pro-Syrian positions since her debut in 2011. She also announced her rejection of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

In 2013, she was arrested during a peaceful protest with a number of The intellectuals in Damascus, but a few days later she was released and had to leave Syria for Jordan and France.

The last thing I wrote on Facebook was two days before her death: " I do not lose hope. It is a big Syria and not a Syria Assad. "

Although the causes of death are unclear to this day, Syrian artist Yara Sabri, by her Facebook account, said that "Skaf" died of a heart attack.

Mi Iskaf
Cardiac Attack, Eternal Rest
Goodbye My Beloved …

– The Syrian artist Kanda Aloush has called through his official account on Twitter, saying that the departure of the artist and friend Mai Skaf with a free heart is painful and booming.

I am Allah. [2659016] (19459005) The departure of the artist and friend Mai Skaf with a free heart is painful and a source of consolation and patience for his family and all his lovers # Mai_skaf pic.twitter .com / 7Q3NYa2dQX

– Kinda Alloush (@KindaAlloush) 23, 2018

The Syrian artist Jamal Sleiman, using his Facebook account with touching words: "I do not know in my life who is the most true and noble of you. " Your infinite goodness would provoke all who love you and fear you. He said, "You've asked me a hundred times, and we're looking at Urkidia, when will we come back to Syria, and every time I'm lying to you and I'll tell you soon, I'm doing it because I'm sure it's the answer you'd like to hear. "

"I did this to remove some of your pain and your depression." Two years have pbaded and we are no more, and here you are in your eternal sleep far from Syria. "

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