14 Fact about fertility and ovulation help you get pregnant


07/06 17:42

Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg, and for some women it happens quickly, and in some cases it may take longer, out of 100 couples trying to get pregnant. have a child, [80,90%] are pregnant within one year while the rest will take longer or will need help during pregnancy.

To understand pregnancy and fertilization, it is useful to know the female and male bads. Your chances of getting pregnant fast as well as tips on when you should be concerned about a possible fertility problem

When you understand your menstrual cycle, you can improve your chances of pregnancy: the first step starts on the first day Bleeding during the menstrual cycle: Your body produces hormones such as the egg-stimulating hormone (FSH) that causes the eggs to grow between the second and fourth day. These hormones also help to intensify the lining of the uterus to prepare fertilized eggs: the menstrual cycle is 28 to 35 days, ovulation usually occurs between days 11 and 21 of your cycle, where a hormone called LH rises, The most mature egg becomes at the same time a more viscous cervical mucus

Women are born with about 1 million to 2 million eggs, but only release 300 to 400. During Ovulation, a woman usually only releases one egg per month, then the egg moves along one of the eggs. If fertilization does not occur within 24 hours after ovarian ovulation, the ovum melts and sperm can live for 3 to 5 days, so that the sperm can fertilize the ovaries in the womb. Knowing when you are in ovulation can help you

In general, the best chance of pregnancy is when bad occurs before ovulation a day or two. If you have a regular cycle of 28 days, you have 14 days in advance of the scheduled start date and my bad plan every day at a time, but keep in mind that having bad every day can reduce the number of sperm in a man.If your period is irregular for more or less than 28 days, you can use the SPM One day possible, and if you are not sure of the period For complete fertility, have reports badually every day or day after day during the second and third weeks of the cycle this way, you probably have a healthy sperm in the fallopian tubes every time your body releases an egg

Your body releases an egg.Progesterone begins to build e and maintain the lining of the uterus, which increases the temperature of your body, so measuring your temperature each morning before getting out of bed can help you know if you're ovulating or not, you can buy these thermometers From the pharmacy, it is inexpensive but not as accurate as other means

Predict the days of ovulation by hormones

LH increases ovulation and usually occurs 36 hours before the release of eggs Groups Ovulation checks for LH levels in the urine to help you determine the day of ovulation. The groups that you can buy in pharmacy are very comfortable and accurate and you may want to do a urine test before hoping for an average increase of one or two days in order to be able to observe the 39, increase of LH.

The last step of your period The monthly starts with the hormone bruges If you do not fertilize the egg, it degrades and decreases the levels of progesterone.After about 12 to 16 days, the lumped. ovum is released – in addition to blood and tissue from the lining of the uterus – to the outside of the body. 7 Days

Weight Gain Affects Fertility

If You Are Overweight or Obese, Losing Weight Can Increase Your Chances of Pregnancy A Study Reveals That Women Who Have Exceeded Their Body Mbad Index (BMI) More than twice the time compared to those with a normal BMI For pregnancy, but a weight loss of 5% to 10% can significantly improve ovulation and pregnancy rates and obesity can also cause infertility and low testosterone levels in men. Experts say you should talk to your doctor if you are under 35 and have not had an attempt for more than 12 months or more than 35 years and contraception for more than 6 months. ] Low fertility in older men

Studies indicate that the number of sperm and animal movement The study found that men aged 45 or older took longer to get a pregnant woman as soon as the beginning of the couple. Try. If your partner is older, you may want to talk to your doctor about ways to improve your chances of pregnancy.

Strong and healthy sperm have the best chance of fertilizing an egg. Your partner can do many things in order to improve his fertility, such as:

Controlling stress, avoiding alcohol and smoking, maintain adequate weight.

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