26 container ships and cargo handled at the port of Port Said


  Trading of 26 containers and cargo ships in the ports of Port Said
Trading of 26 container ships and cargo ships in the ports of Port Said

Negotiation of 26 containers and cargo ships in Port Said Port El Forsan . Containers and goods at the Port of Port Said We send you our visitors News News Today, thanks to our network of knights, we start with the most important news, the circulation of 26 container ships and goods in the ports from Port Said. [279] 20h00

The total number of vessels in the port of Port-Saïd reached 26 ships Friday

The Port of Saïd has registered 4 ships and 4 ships, while 3 ships are on board ships .

The port of West-Port Said has registered the entry of two ships and the departure of two ships while there are ships on the docks, and four ships are expected to enter

The port also records the departure of a cargo ship. 27-

The total number of ships in the Port of Said reached 26 ships on Friday.

The Port of Said has registered 4 ships and 4 ships. The berth is composed of three vessels and is expected the entry of four vessels

The port of West Port Said has registered the entry of two container ships and the departure of two ships while there are four ships on board.

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Al-Fursan network, 26 container ships and cargo ship traffic in Port Said Port, Follow us on our social networking sites to receive new news all the time

Source: Ona News Agency [19659013] محمد عبد العال جميل ” src=”https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/71dbd96f03c3374e405445cbb23c4bab?s=150&d=mm&r=g” clbad=”avatar avatar-96 photo” height=”96″ width=”96″/>
