3 of them in July .. 5 Suicides in the Metro since March … Masrawy


3 of them in July .. 5 suicides in the subway since last March


Monday, July 30, 2018

Books – Muhammad Abdel Nbader:

The subway lines were the scene of a large number of suicides, including the suicide of a young man Monday after being thrown in front of the Metro between Orabi and Gamal Abdel Nbader stations. A young man of the third decade committed suicide in front of the subway, at Ahmed Orabi station, on the first line "Helwan-Marj", which stopped the movement of the train until that time. that the body is removed from the rails and the movement reappears.

This is the first case, the suicide of citizens in the metro wheels, suicidal under the wheels of the metro in the same way, the period

July 22:

Ashraf Mohammed al-Sayed, 21, holds a BA in Education from Fayoum Governorate, and the investigation concluded that there was no clear reason for his suicide, especially since he was a scholar and suffered no difference according to his family's accounts.

July 2:

In the second In July, a 20-year-old girl named Amira Yahya Mohammed, a 20-year-old resident of Jama Street & Amr ibn al-Aas, The eldest son of & # 39; A woman under the wheels of the Mar Gerges station train immediately shocked and killed her.

The investigations revealed that the girl was experiencing a serious psychological crisis because of the pressures of life and aggravated family problems.

May 3:

A suicidal citizen under the subway wheels, at a subway station, was killed instantly after jumping in front of him. The train at the entrance of the station

The investigation revealed that the kamikaze was suffering from certain diseases March 20:

On March 20, a 16-year-old girl named "King AbdulAleem" , a student at the Nursing Institute of the Hospital on October 6, threw herself in front of a subway from Dokki Station

. There was a fight between her father and her mother on the sidewalk, she threw herself on her foot in front of the train when he entered.

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