5 Dakahlia hospitals provide emergency dialysis service


Dr. Saad Mekki, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, announced that the suffering of patients requiring urgent kidney dialysis has been suppressed and that patients have to travel long distances to the hospital. reference hospital for this specialized and important service. The only referral hospital for these cases was the Mansoura International Hospital, and Dakahlia's director of health provided this service in four other hospitals to serve the patients, with Mit Ghamr's central hospital being the last hospital where the service was available.

"Makki" that service has become in the five hospitals are available with an emergency dialysis service, these hospitals are: "Mansoura General Hospital, the new General Hospital, the Menia Victory Hospital, Sherbin Central Hospital , and the Central Hospital.

More than 300 emergency renal dialysis sessions were held in June, said Makki, pointing out that he was seeking to provide this service in several other governorate level hospitals, in the interests of patient comfort

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