5 Risk Factors for Blood Clots


Blood clot or blood clots Blood clots that develop in the arteries or veins can be dangerous and even life-threatening. They prevent blood from circulating in the central organs, including the heart, lungs, and brain; report identifies the most important factors that make you vulnerable. At risk of stroke, according to the published website "Very good health "He said.

Blood clot
Blood clot

Things that make you risk a stroke

There are risk factors badociated with lifestyle that increase the risk of stroke. You can adjust these behaviors to reduce the risk of blood clots.


Over time, smoking can damage the lining of the blood vessels, thus increasing the risk of clot formation, especially if you have another risk factor, such as pregnancy or the use of oral contraceptives, increases the risk of infection. So you can quit to protect yourself from the risk of clots. .

L & # 39; obesity

Excessive excess of fat can slow down blood flow and increase pressure on the veins. Weight gain can be significantly badociated with an inactive lifestyle, laziness, or diabetes, all of which are risk factors for developing the body. stroke.

Pregnancy and postpartum

Pregnancy increases the amount of platelets and clotting factors in the blood, increasing a woman's chances of developing clots. The uterus can also compress the veins that slow down the blood flow, resulting in blood clotting. The risk increases during the six weeks following birth, which give birth by caesarean section.

L & # 39; hormone therapy

Some forms of hormone treatment, especially those containing estrogen, may increase the risk of blood clotting. So you can talk to your doctor.

contraceptive pill

The risk of stroke is generally low for women who use oral contraceptives – only one in 3,000 a year, but many contraceptives include: estrogen injections, which can increase the risk of clotting some blood.

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